Dustin Dowhan @TheDDJ

Age 33, Male

Edmonton, AB

Joined on 5/15/09

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> 100,000
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TheDDJ's News

Posted by TheDDJ - June 5th, 2011

And 0 bombing them. I'm not really mad. I'm a little upset that I am here only to become better and someone is denying me even that because they won't let anyone vote them up.

I wonder what I could have done to make someone so mad that they decided I was worth that kind of effort.

Lets make my motives perfectly clear here. I am not here to show my "Super Awesome Skillz." and to get my dick sucked by the masses. Because the Audio Portal's only purpose is to service the Flash Portal with free music and any music that is here that is "Big" was big outside of here and was brought here, I do not expect, by any stretch of the imagination to make it big from newgrounds. It just doesn't happen from here. Anyone who thinks edgewise is fooling themselves.

However, There are free and open minds here who can listen to what I produce and tell me how I can improve. That is the only reason I am here. Nothing more, nothing less. I actually want people to tell me what I have done wrong. I want to be told where I made mistakes. So I can correct them and perform better at my hobby.

In the end, thats all this is to me. A hobby. I don't shit on your lawn, I am asking nicely, not to piss in my pool. This is a creative vent. Not a career by any stretch of the imagination. So you're not only wasting my time by belaying what I will eventually get anyways, but you're not actually accomplishing anything. Like it or not, I won't ever stop. Because I enjoy it.

Posted by TheDDJ - May 27th, 2011

So, I'm sure someone out there wonders "Why Hardstyle?" to which I respond, not only with "Why not?" But "Hardstyle has an addictive power to it, and it doesn't matter if you're male, female, black, white or purple, power is a frightening and attractive thing. Hardstyle has a way of getting under my skin and reorganizing everything for the better. With hardstyle, there is nothing wrong. With Hardstyle, I can forget. And that is a beautiful gift."

As for why I have left my older songs up, well thats more to show people that I am not afraid of how I used to do things, while also showing how I have improved. About the only songs I remove are ones that are short loops that don't really even get named and <WiP>'s (the latter after the full project is posted)

Posted by TheDDJ - April 11th, 2011

I've noticed countless artists getting upset when I offer feedback. My feedback is formatted and normally helpful. I rate a song for what it is and then what it was intended to be. Is it original content? Is it enjoyable? Did it meet the artists intention? (If the artist included any.) Where is there room for improvement?

These are all things I want people to consider when they listen to and rate my songs, and its a courtesy I extend to other artists. Why then, do people get so upset, when I take the time to write out my opinions, and why I feel this way? A lot of the times, I don't even say that the songs were bad. Just not to my liking.

I went ahead and left a review on a "Hardstyle" song. This is my speciality. I told the artist what I liked, what I didn't and what needed improvement. He immediately called me a retard, and went on a bitchfit on how wrong I was, and how I should, amongst other things, bleach my hair. He then continued to 0 bomb all of my submissions.

For every 1 person who will take the opportunity to improve, there are 10 people who will lose their head because I didn't 0 bomb and run, or suck their dick about how awesome it was. People complain that the voting system is flawed, but its only as flawed as the people who use it. If you refuse to vote something honestly, it will refuse to reap any form of reward.

We are all here because of our love of music, and in the interest of self improvement. If you aren't, you are either a professional or a try hard. Even a professional will try to push their limits, and will accept the critique of their audience.

Posted by TheDDJ - March 13th, 2011

Well, I just turned 20. And I gotta say, I still feel like I'm twelve. I feel like my music has drastically changed since I started. But then thats a given.

Our weather down here is wonky as fuck. But other than that, I can't complain. My niece has her birthday party today, so I'ma end up doing that.

I would like to talk more about music. Specifically, the music of others. I love Headhunterz. And Project 1. Heady is a source of wonderful inspiration. If I could ever get so good, I would never stop mixing. I would always be making music. Always.

My buddy DJVoVo is a constant source of competition. No one grows without having someone to compete with, and we learn from one another, which is nice. He does some awesome work with his melodies, and thats often what hooks people. Check him out.

Hmmm. I can also say that I recently came out of the furcloset. I am a raging furry. Not that it matters much. Not that I need to say more than that to bring out the trolls.

As always, I believe any work I post here should be held up to professional standards, but under no meaning of the word, is it professional. I like to see my work improving, and people telling me what I did right helps a little. When they include what I did wrong as well, it helps a lot. Compare my first song to my latest one and you will agree that I have improved quite a bit.

Anywho, thanks for listening. The DeeDeeJay

A little bit about myself

Posted by TheDDJ - April 17th, 2010

So yeah. This my Newgrounds account that I have made for my FL Studio mixes and doohickies. In no way to I consider myself a professional.

This account is for leisurely purposes only. Any song, loop or even animation should be held up to professional standards, but only as a medium for improvement. Nothing more, nothing less. I have no intention of making a career out of this.

If you're here, it means you enjoyed something that I've submitted. Or you really hated it. Either way, I want to hear about it. Anything positive, or negative. Post it here, I'll read and take what I can from it.

Thanks again, The DeeDeeJay :D